Thursday, November 17, 2011

Review: One big SHINee family

Author: Azn_melz25

Title: 5/5
-       It was to the point and it also gave the readers a hint on the plot.
-       SHINee lovers would definitely be attracted to this story.

Poster/Background/Design: 5/5
-       Honestly, I didn’t like the GIF. I loved it~ ^^
-       It was not too fanciful, and it showed the main characters very clearly.
-       The background was not too distracting. This is important as you want your readers to focus on your story.

Description/Foreword: 10/10
-       Your description was clear and didn’t reveal too much it spoils the story. Good work!
-       It’ll be even better if you added their ages too.
-       The description would interest readers as they would wonder what events would happen.
-       Hahas, about the foreword… Yes, I have subscribed and commented ^^

Characters: 12/15
-       You were able to describe the characters’ personalities on a surface-level very well.
-       More work is needed on in-depth characterization. Meaning, show the readers the characters’ beliefs, dreams, etc through their thoughts, actions, reactions and more.
-       Their emotions were portrayed, and their feelings for the people around them were also shown.

Plot: 21/30
-       The storyline was quite predictable.
-       Perhaps you could have changed the part where Taemin, Minho and Key falls for Minhae. The three of them need not have the same tastes. More description would be needed if you wanted to show what they each liked about Minhae. This isn’t easy as your descriptions of the characters cannot be merely on the surface. Why is Minhae so special to Taemin? Why is she so special to Minho? Why is she so special to Key? And the most important: Why does she love Key so much? Why wasn’t she aware at all?
-       Also, there’s too much kissing going on. Try to cut down on the kissing or it’ll lose its intended impact.
-       On another note, it was good that you kept your scenes short and sweet. Scenes and storylines that are too long would drag the story.
-       You planned for your storyline, which is excellent. Planning is the first step to every good story.

Flow/Pace: 4/5
-       The flow was smooth, but the pace was quite fast. You can slow things down by adding more descriptions.

Writing Style: 7/10
-       You have a light-hearted, enjoyable writing style.
-       You were able to make it seem as if you were narrating the story to your readers.
-       A suggestion: Try to drag scenes by “freezing” time in your mind. Making certain scenes longer and more descriptive leaves an impact on the readers. You can do so for the accident.
-       The points of view were clear.

Originality/Creativity: 3/5
-       It was original, but you have to try to think of more plots. For example, don’t stick to the usual accidents. Creative plots are highly encouraged. Like what I usually say, don’t care about how crazy your storyline might seem, just go ahead and use whatever comes to mind. Creativity helps bring out your story, and makes it special and different from other stories(:

Punctuation/Spelling/Tenses/Grammar/Vocabulary: 13/15
-       Is it just me or is it that your story is the first I’ve reviewed that doesn’t have any typographical errors? O.O EXCELLENT WORK!!!
-       There were some careless mistakes in your sentence phrasing here and there, but the rest had no problems(:
-       Your foundation in vocabulary is there, but it’ll be better if you could expand your range of vocabulary.

Bonus: 2 marks
-       Pictures provided in story(:
-       You checked your work (I didn’t spot any typographical and tense errors). 

Marks Achieved: 82/100
Grade: B+



There were no typographical errors, and I didn’t spot any errors in your tenses. Excellent work! ^^

Side Note:

You did an excellent job on a whole. I think writers should never give reviewers any chances to mark them down – especially for their title, foreword, punctuation, spelling and tenses. You managed to meet this criterion. A big round of applause! Keep up the good work~ ^^

♥ cheonsa


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