Friday, November 18, 2011

Review: Selfish

Author: kurdoodle

Title: 5/5
-       Simple, and to the point.
-       Short titles help to catch the reader’s attention.

Poster/Background/Design: 5/5
-       Simple and plain background, with a beautiful poster that suited the genre really well.

Description/Foreword: 10/10
-       Clear, neat and detailed without revealing too much of the story(: Good work!

Characters: 15/15
-       Your characterization was good. Their personalities were shown and not merely told to the readers.
-       The characters’ emotions and their reaction towards events were portrayed.
-       You were able to show how the characters felt towards the people around them.

Plot: 22/30
-       The title suited the plot perfectly.
-       The contrast between selflessness and selfishness was shown.
-       It was not overly melodramatic, and the storyline was very interesting.
-       The plot was realistic. It wasn’t like the usual popular-stars-noticing-that-ordinary-girl-among-their-thousands-of-fans storyline. It also showed how, under the influence of alcohol, the uncle would become a changed person and abuse the sisters.
-       On a whole, the plot was really good. However, there was missing information in the plot. You didn’t mention why the Kim family wanted to take Jessica, Krystal and their mother in. And if they could take them in and give their mother a salary, why would they say that they don’t have the means to provide for Jessica and Krystal later on?

Flow/Pace: 5/5
-       Your flow was smooth throughout the story – be it the flashback or the transition from one scene to another.
-       Your pace was just right(:

Writing Style: 8/10
-       You have a unique writing style. Your descriptions were good.
-       You were able to keep the reader’s attention all the way.
-       However, more description on how Jessica felt when her uncle hit her would help bring out the reader’s emotions.

Originality/Creativity: 5/5
-       It was original, and it was very creative(:

Punctuation/Spelling/Tenses/Grammar/Vocabulary: 14/15
-       You had no problems in your punctuation and spelling.
-       Tenses were correct.
-       There were some typographical errors here and there.
-       You have a good foundation in vocabulary.

Marks Achieved: 89/100
Grade: A



You had no errors except for a few minor typographical errors. Keep up the good work! ^^

Side Note:

You write really well! I enjoyed your story very much(: Looking forward to reading more of your stories~

♥ cheonsa


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