Thursday, November 10, 2011

As Promised (One-Shot)


Requester: Kibums
Genre: Romance, Love, High School


Teen Top’s…

L. Joe (이병훈/Lee Byung Hun)
Lead Rapper
Blood Type: A
D.O.B.: November 23, 1993 – 18 years old
Height/Weight: 171cm/50kg

Ricky (유창현/Yoo Chang Hyun)
"Lovely boy" (girly/cute)
Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocalist
Blood Type: AB
D.O.B.: February 27, 1995 – 16 years old
Height/Weight: 172cm/55kg


“Five years. I’ve been searching for him everywhere I could. Is he doing well? Does he remember our promise? Does he remember me?…”

I suppose everyone has read about girls pretending to be boys and entering an all boys’ school. Falling in love. I’m very sure many have read fun, humorous stories about how a girl hates a boy but they end up together due to a twist in fate and/or fatal attraction. But what you’ll be reading here is not about the simple love and crushes most probably have experienced in high school. This is about love strong enough to last in spite of seemingly impossible circumstances. Read on to find out.


Mi Hyun sat by the window sill in the classroom, waiting for him. They had always met there, rain or shine. Across the street, toddlers ran around the playground, lost in their carefree world. Mi Hyun loved children, charmed by their elfin grins and laughs like wind-chimes caressed by the gentle breeze.

“Mi Hyun-ah” A voice called out to her from behind. It was warm and flowing like hot chocolate, and had always left Mi Hyun’s heart brimming with inexplicable love and joy.

“Byunghun-ah,” A light smile played on her lips as she replied him in turn. “What took you so long?”

“How was your day?” Byunghun enveloped her in his arms and nuzzled her hair.

“You’re not answering my question.”

“Questions don’t always require answers. Some things are best left unanswered.”

She pouted. That was what he had always told her.

“Now, look at that face.” He caught her by the chin like a grown-up would to a sulking toddler. “You’re pouting now.”

“No, I’m not.” Insult won, and she tried to jerk her face free. Byunghun simply held on tighter and kissed her firmly on the lips.

It had always been like this for them since the day he confessed to her. They were the type of couples you could envision growing old and yet still being affectionate with one another.

Perhaps it was just another cruel trick fate played on them; that he would be taken away at such a young age. Mi Hyun had grieved deeply for him.

It was a bright and sunny day when they buried him. The sun overhead stared at Mi Hyun. It didn’t provide warmth and comfort, but instead looked on mockingly at Mi Hyun. It was as if nothing had happened. The world around was still enjoying summer – the sticky ice-cream shared between couples around, puppies running wild in the park with their ears flapping and tongues sticking out.

But there Byunghun was – stiff and lifeless in the formal and dark coffin.

Silent tears fell. She wished she had not survived the car crash. Wished he had not protected her by swerving at the last moment and absorbing the full force of the crash. Helpless, she could only wish. And wish. And wish…

A bitter, metallic taste formed in her mouth as she recalled the sudden screech of tires, the fear and the cold. The weather that day had been abysmal. Rain pelted down on the sidewalks whilst people trudged along as they struggled against the invisible force pushing them back.

There were two roads on that street, each moving in one direction. Rain poured on the windscreen, and the wipers were deemed useless. Byunghun had just driven past the traffic light and was struggling to see the road ahead. The green pedestrian light had just flashed on behind them, and a mother was slowly pushing the stroller across, comforting and trying to distract the wailing child in it.

Mi Hyun could still recall the white delivery van approaching on the other road, gaining speed as it drew closer and closer. The driver was frantic as he tried to slam the brakes over and over again to no avail. He had no choice. There was no time. He could not afford taking away the lives of the mother with the stroller. Swerving onto the other road, his van charged towards Byunghun and Mi Hyun. He prayed and begged God to spare his life and the lives of whoever he was about to crash.

He wished desperately that the unavoidable crash wouldn’t be severe. Helpless, he could only wish. Over and over again he wished. But sometimes, wishes just don’t come true.

All Mi Hyun could remember were the high-pitched scream of the tires, Byunghun cursing and clutching the steering wheel so tightly his veins showed. Mi Hyun’s shoulders stiffened at every slight jerk of the car. Then Byunghun turned the car sharply. All she knew after that was how hard she was crying and how she called for Byunghun to wake up in vain. Blood – she could still see it every time she closed her eyes. Blood wouldn’t stop flowing from Byunghun’s head, staining his shirt a deep black-red.

“Are you still thinking about that day? You have that look in your eyes again.” Byunghun interrupted Mi Hyun thoughts. “I’m here now, aren’t I? Don’t think about it anymore, all right?”

“It’s okay, yeobo, I’ll be fine. It just hurts every time I look out of the classroom onto that road.” Mi Hyun replied.

He had come back to her, and that was all that mattered to Mi Hyun. He had come back despite the fact that he was supposed to go. He just couldn’t bear to part with her. Byunghun treasured each moment with her for he could only loiter around the vicinity, and he knew that someday Mi Hyun had to graduate and leave his side. He would leave too, then, as was required of him. For now, she was his all – all he would think about, care about.

Mi Hyun jolted as the classroom door slammed open. Byunghun vanished.

“Mi Hyun. Knew you… be here. Come… go. The guard… He’s going to shut the gates.” Ricky tried to catch his breath as he rushed Mi Hyun out of the classroom.

Turning, Mi Hyun looked wistfully at the empty seat where Byunghun was as she whispered a silent goodbye and left.


The shrill and piercing sound of the school bell marked the start of a new day.

“Over here, Mi Hyun!” Ricky mouthed and waved at her, pointing at the space beside him.

Smiling gratefully at Ricky, Mi Hyun sat down on the grass as the teacher took their attendance. She had just come from the ladies after changing into her sports attire.

“Class, get in line! Start running.” Their physical education teacher shouted enthusiastically at the sleepy class. A man in his mid-thirties, Kangmin was a dear teacher to the students as he was one of the few teachers who truly cared for the students’ well-being.

Mi Hyun started off slow, with Ricky jogging beside her as he matched his pace to hers. Mi Hyun didn’t mind Ricky hovering around her ever since Byunghun died. He was like a little guardian to her, despite her only being four months younger than his sixteen years.

It was a beautiful day as usual. The sun wasn’t fully up yet and there was a faint pinkish-orange tinge to the sky. Mi Hyun liked this time of the day the best, when the school was still quiet as most of the shops and offices nearby the school grounds were not opened yet. Students were still half-asleep, dreaming as the teacher droned on in class. Knowing Byunghun was somewhere watching her only brightened her mood further as she sped up. Lost in her thoughts and enjoying the wind blowing against her face, she didn’t realise that she had begun to run. Step by step she ran, until her legs felt heavy and her head light.

Mi Hyun gasped. Pain engulfed her as she felt her heart pump hard. She saw red as she crumpled to the ground. Ricky, seeing her fall, immediately dashed to the benches and grabbed Mi Hyun’s medicine and water. She has had heart problems since young. It was when her heart pumped too fast that caused complications. It was rare, for she took great pains to not exert herself too much. The one and only time she had lost consciousness due to it was on Byunghun’s funeral. She cried so hard she didn’t realise it was her heart and not merely the grief for losing Byunghun that was hurting her.

“Mi Hyun-ah, eat your medicine.” Ricky gently lifted her head and fed her the capsule. It was only during these rare times when he dared to outwardly display his affection for her.

“Ricky, you take her to the sick bay. Mi Hyun! You just shaved another ten years off my life.” Kangmin instructed Ricky as he tried to look disapprovingly at Mi Hyun but failed as concern coated his voice. “Don’t run so fast next time, arasseo?”

Ricky held on to Mi Hyun and pulled her close to lean on his shoulder. Walking with slow steps, he led Mi Hyun to the sick bay. Not far away, Byunghun looked on with concern and sadness in his eyes. He was unable to care for Mi Hyun in his current form.


“Mi Hyun, you coming?” Kyung-soon called out. The girls in the class were going to have an evening out together.

“No, you girls go ahead. I still have some work to do.” Mi Hyun replied as she took out her chemistry textbook.

“Won’t you be lonely? You haven’t gone out with us since… since…”

Mi Hyun failed to maintain a poker face as her expression iced over.

“It’s okay, I’ll be accompanying her.” Ricky quickly cut in, knowing that Kyung-soon – always being quick to speak before thinking – didn’t mean to mention Byunghun’s passing.

Ricky sat with Mi Hyun as the others left. Tutoring Mi Hyun had somewhat became a norm as Ricky waited with her till evening comes. He had found out about Byunghun by chance one day, and from then on he always tutored Mi Hyun until evening. He would then come up with an excuse such as going out to buy her dinner so as to allow her and Byunghun to spend time together in the evening.

He was always watching over her, even though he knew she would never know how much he feels for her. Like how he also knew she could never reciprocate his feelings for her. Love, to him, can only be called love if one was happy because of another’s happiness. It was giving and caring without ever expecting a return.


Mi Hyun stood at the window. Watching, waiting, worrying. He was late. It was already half an hour past their usual meeting time. It was not typical of him to be that late. Byunghun was usually only a few minutes late. Pacing, Mi Hyun called his name softly in the empty classroom, hoping that he was only playing a trick on her. Hoping that he was actually already in the classroom, watching her fret. But he didn’t turn up.

The door creaked open silently as a pair of midnight black eyes stared at Mi Hyun. The eyes reflected light at every angle, making it seem as if it glinted of teardrops.

“What are you doing here at this time? You weren’t at our soccer match so you have no reason to be here.” Chunji asked after a moment’s pause.

“I… I… Ricky was tutoring me.” Mi Hyun stammered, knowing how Chunji felt about Byunghun. Chunji and Byunghun were like peanut butter and bread – one couldn’t do without the other.

“Hah. Excuses. I heard you mumbling our beloved Byunghun’s name.” Grief, plain and deep, filled his crystal eyes even as he smirked. “Don’t tell me you really believe that what you saw that day was real and not your hallucination.”

He hit a raw spot.

“IT WAS NOT MY HALLUCINATION!” She had tried telling him about Byunghun once before but was pushed aside by Chunji like today.

“You really are out to make this difficult for me aren’t you?” Walking up to her, Chunji grabbed her hard by the shoulders. “DO YOU KNOW HOW PAINFUL IT IS TRYING TO GET OVER THE FACT THAT HE’LL NEVER COME BACK?! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURTS EVERY SINGLE TIME I TURN TO TALK TO HIM, FORGETTING THAT NO ONE’S THERE?! EVERY TIME I LOOK BESIDE ME! EVERY TIME!! WHY?! Why? Why… Why do you have to make it so difficult for me? Why?...” Chunji’s breath hitched on a sob. “Go. Leave me be. Just go, and leave me alone.”

Conflicting emotions churned in Mi Hyun as ran out as fast as she could.


Mi Hyun refused to believe what Chunji said. It couldn’t be true. What she had was not hallucinations.

“But why haven’t I seen him for the past few days?” Shaking her head, Mi Hyun refused to think about it.

Day after day she waited. She knew he did come back that time, she believed he did. Days became months, but she never gave up. Every day she would sit by the classroom window, watching the sky turn dark, waiting for him to turn up.

Ricky watched her as she grew frailer each day. It broke his heart, but he understood what it was like to pine for someone. With love, always came pain.


Years passed, Mi Hyun graduated. But she never gave up looking for Byunghun, visiting the school at every opportunity.

Looking at Mi Hyun gazing forlornly at the sky, Ricky could take it no more.

“Mi Hyun, why wouldn’t you give up?”

“I can’t, Ricky. I love him, as he loves me.”

“But have you ever asked yourself what you are going to do if he never comes back?”

“No. You know he keeps his promises. He has never failed to keep his promises before. We promised to be together forever. He will – I know he will come to my side again.”

“Why are you so foolish? Can’t you see he can never come back? Can’t you?”

“Ricky, you said you saw him too. You knew he had come back for me that time. So why can’t you believe that he will come back again?”

“Mi Hyun, just give up. He isn’t coming back. It has been five years. Five long years of waiting. Aren’t you tired?”

“Five years. I’ve been searching for him everywhere I could. Is he doing well? Does he remember our promise? Does he remember me?…” Mi Hyun thought silently.

“Answer me, Mi Hyun! Why can’t you just move on?! If you’re not tired I am tired! Why can’t you just take a look at the people around you who need more of your attention?!”

Mi Hyun just sat there mute.

Ricky could stand it no more and burst out, “GIVE UP MI HYUN!!! HE IS NOT RETURNING! HE’S DEAD – THAT’S WHAT HE IS!!! JUST FORGET HIM ALREADY!!!”

Stunned, Mi Hyun paled. She flew out, tears cascading down her face.

“Mi Hyun! Wait! Where are you going? Mi Hyun! Mi Hyun!”


Mi Hyun ran blindly, tears blurring her vision.

“No. It’s not true… He’s not gone. He won’t leave me like this. He won’t. He won’t…” Mi Hyun sprinted across the street, her heart pounding as she tried to gasp for air between her sobs.

It was like toppling over the ink bottle her dad used for his fountain pen. Everything seemed to grow dim and dimmer until all Mi Hyun saw was black. At that point of time, pictures started to flood her mind, varying sounds buzzed in her ear. A voice rang out, clear and bright over all the other noises filling her head.

“I’m so sorry, Mi Hyun.”

Mi Hyun’s breathing seemed to even out slowly as warmth, familiar and calming, gathered her.

“For all the times you cried for me.”

The burden on Mi Hyun’s shoulders grew lighter and lighter.

“All the times you called out to me but I didn’t answer.”

Slowly, a silhouette seemed to form in front of Mi Hyun’s eyes.

“For not being there to hold you when you were hurting so bad.”

Mi Hyun reached out to hold the figure in front of her. To just touch and feel – to know he’s there.

“When I was unable to care for you. Unable to shelter you from the rain with our white umbrella.”

Byunghun took her hand as they walked down the aisle towards the bright light.

“But I will be with you now. I will never lose you again. There’ll be no more tears shed between us. I will always be by your side… And… I love you, Mi Hyun. Saranghamnida.”

Together, forever. Just as they had promised.

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