Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Review Criteria

Title: 5 marks
-          Relevant to story and genre
-          Catches readers’ attention
-          Creative (only if applicable; some storylines are too limited)

Poster/Background/Design (if applicable, or it'll be graded under personal enjoyment): 5 marks
-          Quality of pictures are standardized (avoid putting low-quality pictures with high-quality pictures)
-          Suits the story’s theme and mood
-          Not excessively designed (don’t put so much colours and pictures until the readers’ head spin >.<)
-          No glaring colours that hurt the eyes and no colours that clash – unless it is intentional
-          Highly recommended: main characters are shown (not necessary for background)

Description/Foreword: 10 marks
-          Comprehensible (this is basic)
-          Necessary information available (omit irrelevant details)
-          Interests readers
-          Doesn’t have revealing information that could spoil the story

Characters: 15 marks
-          Readers should, after reading, have a basic knowledge of the characters (their hobbies, etc.)
-          Personalities of main characters well-defined
-          Emotions of main characters were shown
-          Feelings main characters have for others around them expressed

Plot: 30 marks
-          Fits description given
-          Makes sense
-          Interesting (not dull and monotonous)
-          Basic outline/planning/format for storyline is obvious* (unless you have the ability to write an interesting story even without a climax)
-          Characters chosen are used well and used appropriately
-          How author expresses his/her intentions for writing the story

* Exposition (Introduction of the main characters) --> Build-up/Rising Action (Series of events to build up suspense) --> Climax (Situation/Problem occurs) --> Falling action (What is done to solve the issue; Loose parts of the plot tied up and clarified) --> Conclusion/Resolution (Ending)

Flow/Pace: 5 marks
-          Story moves along smoothly (especially transition for flashbacks, foreshadowing, etc.)
-          No breaks or missing information/parts in story
-          Does not move at a snail’s pace; does not move so quickly vital details are skipped

Writing Style: 10 marks
-          Show, Don’t Tell (shows how the characters feel, etc.)
-          Uses an active tone, not passive by reducing redundant words (e.g. Change “She then went on to stack the papers.” --> “She stacked the papers.”)
-          Descriptions are good, but don’t give all fluff with little/no substance
-          Dialogue tags doesn’t contradict and are not used excessively
-          Adds actions and body language into conversations
-          Observe how different people react to a similar situation and give different perspectives
-          Points of view (P.O.V.) are clearly defined

Originality/Creativity: 5 marks
-          Story wasn’t copied/adapted from other sources
-          New ideas are strongly encouraged (it doesn’t matter if it seems a little crazy)

Punctuation/Spelling/Tenses/Grammar/Vocabulary: 15 marks
-          Punctuation goes inside quotation marks. (e.g. "My heart," Lee Joon wrote, "it’s still too early to fall down. It’s not hard for me at all.")
-          Proper comma usage
-          No errors in spelling
-          Correct usage of adjectives
-          Bare minimum: has a basic foundation vocabulary

Bonus: Max. 10 marks
-          Overall enjoyment
-          Effort

Highest Marks Achievable: 100 + Bonus

95-100 A* Distinction
90-94 A+
85-89 A
80-84 B+
75-79 B
70-74 C+
65-69 C
65 > If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

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