Thursday, November 17, 2011

Review: Extremely Jealous Fan Ever

Author: seonminsarang

Requested through --c h o c o l a t e creams

Title: 4/5
-       Relevant to story and genre.
-       It catches the reader’s attention as it’s not a typical title.
-       It’s creative, and really honest.
-       However, the phrasing is incorrect. There shouldn’t be the ‘Ever’ word, unless you phrase it as ‘The Most Jealous Fan Ever’.
-       Also, it was more like a Drabble (ignoring the length), so don’t write it as a One-shot.

Poster/Background/Design: 4/5
-       The picture suits the story’s theme and mood.
-       It was simple and to the point.
-       However, the ‘Or THIS’ phrase isn’t clear. I know it was trying to say that the girl in the picture would use the guitar to hit the other girl if the other girl touches the guy. But when phrased that way, it would say “Don’t touch the guy and the guitar”.

Description/Foreword: 7/10
-       The necessary information were available, but the description was really too short.
-       It would interest readers who agree with your opinion.
-       I suggest that you give the readers a hint on the storyline here, and also some background information on the characters.
-       *Note: If you use the word ‘jealousy’, you can’t say you love f(x) and SNSD. See my comments under ‘Plot’ for more details.

Characters: 11/15
-       You managed to portray your emotions and thoughts.
-       Your feelings for the other characters were also expressed.
-       It wasn’t possible to mark you for your characterization on Kyuhyun and Victoria because what you wrote wasn’t a story but your thoughts and feelings on celebrities.

Plot: 20/30
-       Fits description given.
-       It was quite “anti-climactic”. Frankly speaking, I was expecting a story. What you wrote was more like your diary entry.
-       *It was rather interesting how you wrote about your jealousy, including yourself in the story, but take note of the word ‘jealousy’. Few people know this, but ‘jealousy’ means ‘being resentful or bitter in rivalry’ and ‘fearful or wary of being supplanted’, It basically means you actually dislike the person who has something you don’t. Envious would be a better word.
-       Basic outline/planning/format for storyline is obvious* (unless you have the ability to write an interesting story even without a climax)
-       Characters chosen are used appropriately.
-       You expressed your intentions for writing the story.
-       It also had a comedic side to it.
-       I’m sure readers would remember it as it was really different from other stories out there.

Flow/Pace: 5/5
-       The flow was smooth and there were no breaks in the passage.

Writing Style: 5/10
-       Your writing style wasn’t appropriate for a story.
-       However, I doubt you meant it to be a story in the first place so I still gave you marks for this section. I think you’re fully capable of writing a story if you wanted to.

Originality/Creativity: 5/5
-       Idea wasn’t copied/adapted from other sources.
-       It was creative thinking of writing yourself as a character. Few writers have the courage to do so, and instead they write ‘You’ stories and put their own pictures as ‘You’ in the description page. A round of applause for your courage ^^

Punctuation/Spelling/Tenses/Grammar/Vocabulary: 10/15
-       Your punctuations were fine, but try to avoid using asterisks to represent thoughts.
-       Some errors in tenses. It was difficult to correct this as it wasn’t exactly a story.
-       Grammar needs some improvement, but your vocabulary is not that bad. Expanding your vocabulary takes time so I didn’t deduct any marks for that.

Bonus: 2 marks
-       Effort shown.
-       Different from other stories; unique. If you wrote it as a story it could have turned out very well.

Marks Achieved: 73/100
Grade: C+



-       Sentence: Hope there's any notification.
-       Why it’s wrong: If you use the word ‘any’, you have to make it a question. For example, ‘Are there any notifications?’
-       Correction: I hope there are notifications.

-       Sentence: It's okay, let's find out the latest news about our oppa. ^_^
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) Don’t use ‘It’s okay’ because you’re supposed to narrate the story to the readers, not make it a conversation. (2) You didn’t state who the ‘our’ refers to.
-       Correction: I decided to check if there were any new happenings/events that Kyuhyun participated in.

-       Sentence: It's okay. Unless they did not do skinship or else *jealous*
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) Don’t use ‘It’s okay’. (2) Don’t write your feelings in asterisks. Describe. (3) Incorrect phrasing.
-       Correction: I wouldn’t mind it, unless they had skinship. (Describe your envy after you see your star having skinship with another female celebrity.)

-       Sentence: *extremely jealous had reach to its limit*
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) Don’t use asterisks. (2) Incorrect phrasing.
-       Correction: Search for examples of descriptions from passages online and try to learn how to describe.

-       Sentence: *log out Facebook immediately*
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) Don’t use asterisks. (2) Incorrect phrasing.
-       Correction: I immediately logged out of my Facebook account.

-       Sentence: Why must SM asked them to sing like this? Why don't they sing by not doing skinship? I'm freaking jealous here, don't you know. Seems like I have a time.
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) Tenses. (2) Sentence phrasing.
-       Correction: “Why can’t they sing without being so intimate?” I thought distastefully in my mind, envy filling my heart.

-       Sentence: Well, I must check out my aff account. Wait a second, my friend just told me to send the video links to her. I should send it by Facebook since she have Facebook account already. *log in Facebook and send the video links to her*
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) You can’t ‘check out’ an account. (2) Narrate the story, don’t converse. (3) Tenses. (4)
-       Correction: I wanted to check my AFF account for updates, but decided against it. I recalled that my friend had asked me to send some video links to her. Logging into my Facebook account, I… (Describe.)

-       Sentence: Well, my friend have post some hot issue.
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) Tenses. (2) Don’t use ‘well’. (3) Incorrect expression.
-       Correction: My friend had just posted an interesting article that had me… (Describe your reaction.)

-       Sentence: What!! I MISS TRAX SO MUCH! Let's see what the videos about.
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) Narrate the story. Describe, don’t converse. (2) Tenses.
-       Correction: I watched TRAX’s new music video, moving along to the music, hypnotized by Jay’s (describe) eyes and entranced by Jungmo’s brilliant guitar skills. They haven’t had many activities for a very long time and I had missed them so much.

-       Sentence: There's a lot another man out there.
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) Plurals.
-       Correction: There are a lot of men out there.

-       Sentence: Why everybody seems like liking KyuToria so much? Why only me who hate it.
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) The word ‘liking’ and the phrase ‘Why only me’ is incorrect. (2) Tenses.
-       Correction: Everyone seemed to like KyuToria so much. Everyone but me.

-       Sentence: I hope they didn't like each other in real life. I sighed while I close my eyes and release a heavy breath.
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) Tenses. (2) Sentence phrasing.
-       Correction: Silently, I wished in my heart that they wouldn’t fall for each other. I sighed, closing my eyes.

-       Sentence: Wait! My Facebook has one notifications.
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) Narrate the story, don’t converse. (2) ‘Has’ is singular. (has a notification; have many notifications)
-       Correction: Noticing a notification alert at the corner of my screen, I clicked it.

Side Note:

You made a major mistake in writing how you feel using asterisks and a few emoticons here and there. However, I’m sure you can still write. Don’t give up writing. Write another one-shot and try again. This time, add descriptions, etc. All the best! Don’t ever give up(:

♥ cheonsa


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