Sunday, December 11, 2011

Review: Fucking Perfect

Author: cn_ara

Title: 4/5
-       It’s straightforward and does pack a punch. I couldn’t give you full marks, though, as it wasn’t exactly original.

Description/Foreword: 6/10
-       The description and foreword was clear.
-       You also mentioned where your inspiration came from, which was good.
-       It would be better if you briefly described the characters or gave some background information on the characters. This is quite important as it’ll help form a rough image of your character in the reader’s mind.

Characters: 14/15
-       Characters were well-developed. Their thoughts, emotions, etc were portrayed.
-       You were able to show the characters’ feelings for the people around them.
-       The characters’ points of view were shown well as it does not confuse the readers who was speaking or thinking at that moment.
-       What you can work on is the characters’ personalities. Your basics are already there so all there is for you to work on characterization is the depth – letting the readers get to know your characters on a more “personal” level. For example, show more scenes where the characters are alone as you would be able to show their inner feelings, private thoughts, etc.
-       Excellent work on a whole! ^^

Plot: 20/30
-       The plot was well-developed and interesting.
-       You can elaborate more on Jiyong’s point of view. There were sufficient scenes on Seungri and Dara to bring out the main gist of the story, but little was shown about Jiyong. Why did he think she was ‘perfection’ in the end? Why did he regret?
-       I liked how you managed to move the story along. There were no breaks, missing information, etc.
-       The plot was not bad, but the storyline is quite cliché. You have to add more elements to your story so the readers can see something different in your story.

Flow/Pace: 3/5
-       The flow was fine, but it was quite disorganized. The transition between scenes wasn’t really smooth.
-       However, your pacing was good. It was not too rushed or too dreary.

Writing Style: 9/10
-       Excellent work~ You were able to get the readers’ attention.
-       You managed to piece a good storyline.
-       The only thing you have to work on now is putting more emotions and feelings into the story. Descriptions can help in this area. Make it a little more melodramatic.

Originality/Creativity: 4/5
-       It was original.
-       The storyline was quite cliché.

Punctuation/Spelling/Tenses/Grammar/Vocabulary: 12/15
-       Some minor errors were seen.
-       Tenses need a little brushing up.
-       Spelling and vocabulary was fine.

Personal Enjoyment: 4/5
-       I enjoyed it, but it would have been even better if more emotions were expressed.

Marks Achieved: 76/100
Grade: B



You had few errors. Keep up the good work! ^^

-       Example excerpt: The day she broke up with him was the most painful day for her but she couldn't have move on if not from the help of her loving best friend panda.  Jiyong tried to call her but she made a resolved to shut him off completely. You know y? She caught him in the act making out with a girl in his car right after he called her to apologized. How sincere isn't it? She admitts it killed her like hell when she saw that. She thought Jiyong's was changing and trying to be sincere only to find her hope crushing down to pieces when she witnessed the make out session. Him and that bitch Sohee were both fools and players.
-       Why it’s wrong: (1) Incorrect usage of words. (2) Excess words. (3) Typographical errors and missing punctuation. (4) Try to use better expressions instead of the usual ‘like hell’ and ‘crushed to pieces’. (5) Pronouns act as subject and are in subjective case [‘Him’ should be replaced with ‘He’].
-       Correction: The day she broke up with him was the most painful day for her. She couldn't have moved on if not for the help of her loving best friend, Panda. Jiyong tried to call her but she resolved to shut him off completely. She had intended to forgive him, but caught him making out with a girl in his car right after he called to apologize. That only spoke volumes about his sincerity. It hurt. She trusted him so much. She did all she could for him before. She had even missed him when they were apart. She had loved him. She thought he was changing. She hoped he was, only to witness the make out session. That was when she gave up. He and that bitch Sohee were merely fools and players.

Side Note:

You are able to write in such a way it flows and has direction. This is really good as it makes the story interesting(: Work on putting more emotions. All the best~! ^^

♥ cheonsa


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